Why Wear an ATV Helmet?

Many people don't like ATV helmets, however unless you think emergency room visits, scars and the possibility of a brain injury or death are a fun way to spend an afternoon - you need to wear an ATV helmet at all times when riding. A surprising survey conducted in 2007 showed that many people, a full 40% of respondents, didn't wear helmets when they were riding their ATVs around their own properties.

Riding an ATV is a safe activity. ATV accidents do occur on occasion but nearly all of those accidents could be fit in a couple of narrow categories. They happened to people that were using the ATV in a manner in which it wasn't intended such as jumping a ramp, riding multiple riders on a single rider ATV, or attempting to climb terrain that was technically beyond their skills; they were imbibing in alcohol, drugs or were fatigued. And a good majority of these individuals were not wearing ATV helmets at the time of their accidents.

Motocross riders take a chance every time they get out on the track and one of the sayings you will hear often is, "Dress for an impact" and it's true. Make sure that you are wearing your pads, gloves for good grip, goggles to keep dirt and debris out of your eyes and most of all, an ATV helmet and even though you're not likely to suffer an accident, you'll be protected in the event that you do and more than likely come out of it unharmed.

Top ATV Helmet Brands

You don't have to spend an arm and a leg to look great and be safe when you ride your ATV. Some of the top ATV helmet manufacturers...

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Is ATVing Safe for Kids?

Kids and ATVs make a great pair, however kids aren't always the best at choosing what is safe and what isn't. That's why riding an...

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Fitting Your ATV Helmet

After readying that title are you saying to yourself, "Well, you just put it on your head - bingo fitted ATV helmet!"? However did...

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About vintage ATV helmets

In our days there are a lot of people searching for vintage objects because it is considered cool to have and wear something old. In...

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