Weak helmets - a real danger to ATV users

Over the last few years, most ATV users have realized that it is extremely important to wear a helmet during their rides because it is the key element of safety and can sometimes make the difference between life and death in case an accident occurs. However, ATV users have to know that not any helmet will do the job and that they should look for buying the ones that offer the best safety and protection.

When you see two helmets that look the same, you can probably think that they are going to offer the same level of protection, but unfortunately, this is not true at all as there can be huge differences between them. Unfortunately, some of these differences will only come out after an accident. In providing the rider's protection, everything has a role, more or less important, starting with materials, building technique, design and other details. Our recommendation is to look for reviews before deciding to buy a new helmet, reviews that have tested all the details, from quality to safety measures and comfort. Also look for certification from different institutes that test helmet resistance. Know that it is better to know the difference between two helmets when you go shopping, not only when it is too late.

Why Wear an ATV Helmet?

Many people don't like ATV helmets, however unless you think emergency room visits, scars and the possibility of a brain injury or...

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Is ATVing Safe for Kids?

Kids and ATVs make a great pair, however kids aren't always the best at choosing what is safe and what isn't. That's why riding an...

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Fitting Your ATV Helmet

After readying that title are you saying to yourself, "Well, you just put it on your head - bingo fitted ATV helmet!"? However did...

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About vintage ATV helmets

In our days there are a lot of people searching for vintage objects because it is considered cool to have and wear something old. In...

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