Fitting Your ATV Helmet

After readying that title are you saying to yourself, "Well, you just put it on your head - bingo fitted ATV helmet!"? However did you know an improperly fitted ATV helmet is the cause of many of the unnecessary accidents that occur to ATV riders every year?

Fitting an ATV helmet isn't rocket science but it's something you need to do. You don't need to stand in a store and try on helmet after helmet to find the perfect one as you might to find a pair of jeans. Once you have been able to determine your ATV helmet size, it's really easy to pick out a good model that fits and then it's just a matter of narrowing down what you'd like in a helmet. This is why most people can have great success purchasing ATV helmets online after they learn their correct ATV helmet size and for that you'll really need to explore a local store and then look both online and offline for the best deals on your ATV helmet price wise.

But what is your size and how do you find out? That's easy! In a local sports supply store, try on several helmets and note that different manufacturers may have sizing that runs a little differently. You may wear an adult size large in a Thor brand ATV helmet and an adult size medium in an AFX brand ATV helmet.

Also, bigger isn't better. If you can put on the helmet without spreading, it's too big and isn't safe to wear. A helmet that fits will feel tight as you pull it on but that is due to the foam within conforming to your head. An ATV helmet that fits should stay put when you shake your from side to side and up and down and the helmet stays in place.

Be as safe as possible and make sure your ATV helmet is the right size - it's easy to do and will ensure your head is properly protected when you ride your ATV.

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