ATV helmets and integrated devices

ATV users from all around the world are in search of more and more comfort during their rides on any type of terrain. Even if this comfort would never match the comfort of driving a car for example, nobody can blame their pursuit for making life on an ATV easier.

ATV helmets are very much similar to motorcycle helmets and the important manufacturers produce both types. During the last few years, they have decided to introduce different devices in to helmets even if this operation can sometimes be difficult and expensive. Some models are equipped with Bluetooth earphones that allow the user to receive phone calls while on the vehicle. These integrated earphones also allow the opportunity of connecting a music player like an iPod by using a simple Bluetooth adaptor. The most advanced ATV helmets money can buy offer an extremely useful feature, climate control. Although it adds a lot of money to the price of the helmet, it can make the ride a pleasure during hot summer days when temperatures become unbearable.

All these integrated devices and features bring the user comfort, but keep in mind that they have to be carefully used in order to keep safety at the highest levels. Phone conversations and music can make the ATV user lose focus and expose him or her to serious accidents.

Why Wear an ATV Helmet?

Many people don't like ATV helmets, however unless you think emergency room visits, scars and the possibility of a brain injury or...

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Is ATVing Safe for Kids?

Kids and ATVs make a great pair, however kids aren't always the best at choosing what is safe and what isn't. That's why riding an...

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Fitting Your ATV Helmet

After readying that title are you saying to yourself, "Well, you just put it on your head - bingo fitted ATV helmet!"? However did...

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About vintage ATV helmets

In our days there are a lot of people searching for vintage objects because it is considered cool to have and wear something old. In...

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