The comfort of ATV helmets

You have decided to purchase a new ATV helmet, so you have to know a few important things that will have an extreme influence on your future rides, making them unpleasant, painful experiences or enjoyable ones. For every helmet, besides safety, one of the most important elements is comfort, a tricky notion because it is perceived differently by every one of us.

You should be careful with weigh when you go shopping and you pick out a helmet out of the shelf because this is one of the key elements of comfort for an ATV helmet during long trips. There are only a limited number of light helmets that use modern materials and special building techniques for also providing an adequate level of safety. During the hot summer days, a very important comfort element is the ventilation. Quality helmets that are usually expensive have specially designed vents that contribute to maintaining a reasonable temperature inside the helmet. The interior padding of an ATV helmet should be soft in order to offer the user a pleasant experience whenever he takes his vehicle out. Know that noise reduction is not very important when it comes to ATV helmets because you will never reach extremely high speeds, but in some cases, it can be a real help for your ears.

Why Wear an ATV Helmet?

Many people don't like ATV helmets, however unless you think emergency room visits, scars and the possibility of a brain injury or...

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Is ATVing Safe for Kids?

Kids and ATVs make a great pair, however kids aren't always the best at choosing what is safe and what isn't. That's why riding an...

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Fitting Your ATV Helmet

After readying that title are you saying to yourself, "Well, you just put it on your head - bingo fitted ATV helmet!"? However did...

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About vintage ATV helmets

In our days there are a lot of people searching for vintage objects because it is considered cool to have and wear something old. In...

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